Counselling testimonials

Check out the testimonials and stories of lives being changed!

Names are withheld for confidentiality. Read below…..

* ‘I first met Ali 5 months ago. I was recommended to have counselling that used a psychodynamic approach ~ I found Liberty Church Mid-Ulster & subsequently Ali, no coincidence for sure. I drive about 90 minutes for our weekly counselling session & I would happily drive further! It was very reassuring to know she is trained in a number of different therapies, which enables her to choose the most applicable aspects of them & create a bespoke approach. Ali is so adept at making me feel welcome, comfortable but above all ‘heard’ & undoubtedly ‘listened’ to. To be understood in this particular way takes great interpersonal skill & experience which was so obvious from the very beginning. Her knowledge & wisdom is so reassuring & affirming. Ali has a very endearing gentle faith & her steadfast trust & love of God is unquestionable & a very constant thread throughout our sessions. Ali’s knowledge is not overbearing or overwhelming & is neatly interwoven into the sessions.

* Having received counselling from Jason has been life changing for me both emotionally and spiritually. At the beginning of counselling I struggled with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and negative thinking. However, the kindness, care, acceptance, compassion, empathy and patience shown to me within counselling has allowed for healing to take place in certain areas of my life. Helping me to move on into a happy and hope filled future.

• I went into counselling with a lot of complex trauma that I didn’t know how to process or handle, but through counselling with Ali, she has helped me to understand the trauma, and also have a greater understanding of the way my brain works the way it does. Counselling has helped me to understand myself in a deeper way than I ever knew was possible and it has helped me to learn healthy responses and ways to process my problems so that they don’t control my life.

• I came to see Ali at Liberty counselling, because I was in a complete mess emotionally. Having been a victim of sexual abuse, and other trauma’s, it was affecting so many areas of my life. My marriage, my relationship with my children, and even my work. There was just so much anger and hurt that I couldn’t get past. But through my weekly counselling sessions with her, I was able to process and deal with the pain of my past. It was like this huge cloud was lifted off my life, and the sun came out again. Ali was so gentle and patient with me, but she was also firm and straight, which really helped me to not keep burying my past, but be brave enough to deal with it. I can honestly say that counselling has changed me life.

• I never really believed that counselling worked. I was sceptical and came into counselling quite resistant, even though I knew that I needed it. I was completely wrong. Counselling has taught me so much, and I think that everyone should go for counselling. I understand myself so much better now. My Core values, some of my bad defence mechanisms, and even why I react like I do. By learning about myself, it has given me tools and handles that I use every day, and my life is so much easier and better. I’m so thankful I gave it a go.

• My struggle with my mental health has been a long one. I came to Ali as I was looking for a fully trained and accredited counsellor, and I found her through Liberty Counselling. I have seen countless counsellors and therapists throughout my life, but I never really felt that we were able to complete or get to the root of my problems. Ali took me on a journey of self-discovery through understanding who I was, and why I reacted to life’s circumstances like I did. Some of the sessions were hard, and at times I didn’t want to come back, because I had to look at things that were triggering, but I am so glad that I continued, because Ali has helped unlock all of that pain, and give me perspectives and tools to help me go forward in my life. Life is still challenging for me, but I now have the tools and understanding, so that I do not self-sabotage all the time. I feel like a different person, and counselling has helped me so much. I would highly recommend.

• ‘My counselling sessions with Ali Shiels are set in very Comfortable surroundings. As soon as I walk in, I always feel at ease. She has taught me ways to manage my feelings and emotions by giving me little tasks to complete each week and these have really helped me. This is a great professional and confidential service for anyone who is struggling and wants someone friendly, caring and non-judgemental to help them manage the things that may be going on in their lives. Each week I walk out of my counselling session feeling so much happier. I definitely have achieved a lot from it’

• ‘Having Ali as my counsellor has helped me deal so much with some of my life’s biggest struggles! All of which I feel I’ve had to deal with all at once! I feel Ali has done this by gently helping me understand people, Gods plan and dealing with church hurt on a massive scale! My faith was rocked to the core, my faith, in church and people. Ali helped me journey this with her so openly and Freely! Ali has helped restore my faith with her beautiful loving way just like Jesus! I believe that Ali’s work with me she will never see in full, as the ripple goes on beyond what her or I can see! I feel more like the person of joy I once was and stepping back into the gifting of encouraging that I once did before! I have learnt a lot and matured a lot with Ali in just over 6 months. She is a beautiful person that I feel so comfortable with. Not only has she been easy to talk with but she is so real! I am so thankful for Ali. Her work is something I believe far greater than she will ever know!!!!’