Fasting and prayer – Week beginning 20th Jan.
Final week of fast
Thank you to those who have got involved in this time of fasting and prayer in some capacity. We really appreciate the support. We hope and pray that the time will be valuable to you personally and into the church corporately. It’s also not too late to get involved this week.
Fasting and prayer is a time of stripping away the comforts of normal life. It helps us to ensure that we aren’t becoming over-familiar with God or too comfortable. It helps to sharpen us spiritually and to create space for God at a different level. It brings a measure of urgency and even desperation for God. That’s good in a world full of ‘substitutes’ and other ‘options’. Fasting helps us to choose the Spirit rather than the ‘flesh’ as we move forward, by giving us an increased resilience and self-control. Even fasting a meal or a partial fast can be so valuable. However, as I mentioned, fasting is best accompanied by getting some extra time in prayer, in a way that suits you best, within the limits of your schedule.
Some prayer points for this week from Psalm 62:11-12
- “Power belongs to you, God” – let’s pray that we live in such a way that creates margin for God’s power to be at work in us and through us. Faith and stepping out with faith is important in this. We also need to believe that God is a God who is still actively involved and engaging with us! Power belongs to you, God!
- “With you Lord, is unfailing love” – we so often doubt God’s love…we need to remember that God’s love for us is unfailing! He is faithful! Sometimes the hardest thing is to believe that God’s love for us is unfailing, due to having elements of an orphan spirit. Pray for Abba Father to pour His love into your heart and to adjust your understanding of His father heart.
- “You reward everyone according to what they have done” – God expects us to follow up our faith in Him with works/deeds/obedience. It’s just like bacon and eggs! Faith is vindicated by our deeds. The incredible reminder here is that God REWARDS us according to what we have done by faith. He rewards! We will see rewards in eternal life but also rewards here on earth – breakthroughs and blessing. Be encouraged!
- Pray for a fresh revelation of God’s Word and faithfulness.
- Press in to Him for an encounter that will change your world!
- Pray for His power, thank Him for His unfailing love and the rewards He promises for faithfulness and fruitfulness in His service.
- Pray for any ‘rocks or dirt’ to be removed from our ‘wells’ as individuals and as a church. This land needs LIVING WATER to flow, not stagnancy. What ‘rubbish’ have the ‘Philistines’ put down our well that needs removed? What have we allowed? Living water (Holy Spirit) flow! – Read Genesis 26 to understand this point better.
Every blessing,