Lessons and prayers – Abraham and Sarah

The importance of our trusting God and intercession – fast – devotional
Genesis 18 and 19 has the story of angelic visitation to Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 18) and then two angels arriving at Sodom where an “outcry’ (Genesis 18:21) had arisen before the Lord (a report, a knowing) for the destruction of the city due to its appalling depravity.
Read below for one lesson and one prayer for each of the chapters:
Genesis 18 – living and praying in the promises of a faithful God.
When the angels visited and reminded Sarah (and Abraham) of HIS promise of them conceiving an heir in their elderly years, Sarah laughs (Genesis 18v12). She can’t see beyond her physical condition and has lapsed into unbelief – ‘After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?’ (v12b). The Lord rebukes Sarah (v13) for this ‘rational’ yet unbelieving response and points them again to His omnipotence, willingness, and ability to do the impossible! (v14)
Lesson – God is not pleased with unbelief. He is pleased with faith. He is pleased with those who continue to ALIGN themselves to divine promise. He wants us to be a people of ‘promise’ and a people who trust in Him, even though it can sometimes seem absurd and difficult.
Prayer – Lord God, Father, please help me to HEAR your Word, to trust in your faithfulness and in your power for my journey and usefulness to you. Help me to lean not on my own understanding but to allow myself to regularly be reminded of your promises and to walk in them. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Genesis 18-19 – Abraham’s intercession
In Ch 18 Abraham has a series of interactions with God where he intercedes for Sodom and in particular for the righteous in the city, that they would not be destroyed in the imminent judgement upon the city. Sodom was a wicked place. Abraham demonstrates for us here a manner of intercession that is persistent and intentional. These were very specific prayers and requests that were being raised to the Lord, and they were heard!
In Genesis 19v29 a stunning summary is made, “So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived.” (both the promise of God, and the intercession are important)
Lesson – Abraham’s intercession was heard by God! God responded to his prayers and faith. We need to realise that as we pray to God (and fast) that the Lord hears our prayers and will respond in working out His plan. How amazing is that? We get to be a part of such a hugely significant God story! So let’s pray and believe that he hears us. Let’s be ready to also pray for specific things,
“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11v6
Prayer – Lord, thank you for the privilege of coming before you in prayer. Help me to trust you that as I pray in your will that you will respond to my prayers in your way and time. Today we intercede for Mid-Ulster, NI, and Ireland. We ask you to win many lives to you in salvation and to build strong disciples of Jesus, and to build your church and to bring your Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name, Amen.