What to expect

We are a very warm, friendly and welcoming church community. We will be delighted to see you and it is our hope that you will feel valued and so welcome, whether at a Sunday meeting, a prayer or Life Group meeting or at any other church event. We are also a passionate church community that is focused on loving God, growing in Him and loving and ministering to the people around us.
We start our Sunday meeting at 11am with a dynamic time of worship, followed by an anointed preached message. We have communion regularly and are open to the Holy Spirit moving in our midst. Just after the time of worship, kids aged between 4 and 11 years will be invited to join ‘King’s Kids’ upstairs. We also have a comfortable Parent and child room available with a video link to the meeting.
After the service, tea and coffee will be served downstairs while the kids at Liberty will be able to enjoy juice and biscuits after their lesson in the child and family facility upstairs.
On Wednesday nights we alternate weekly between having a corporate prayer meeting at the premises and having Life groups in various homes and locations. These meetings are open to everyone. If you would like to find out more or attend a Life group please chat to any of the church leadership or message us.
We also have a 20s/30s group that love hanging out together and growing in God. Also, there is a ladies ministry too. We also love to help our community via our Counselling service and Foodbank.